Sunday, November 18, 2007

Challenging Time

International Discipleship Training School is one of the most challenging time of ministry the Lord is leading me to serve at this time. Even though I used to work with DTS's before, but each one of the school is quite different than another. This school, I have been facing many kind of challenging and problems, such as new staffs who just work with me first time, so their kind of leadership and expectation would be very difference than mine. Expectation and misunderstanding from difference staffs and students really push me to draw closer to God and need His Spirit every day of my life in the school. But because I know that the Lord is calling me to work with this DTS, and He is the one who promised me that He will be with me and will help me, this hope and faith is something drive me to do what I am doing. DTS is the time we can see God working so clearly and so evidence. But for the main part, we have seen the Lord starts His work in many people lives already. China trip is one of the prove that God showing Himself more real to us. That is faith I believe it would be like little mustard seed that will grow big someday. God is faithful and true.
This coming week they will learn about Clear Conscience, which is one of the most important week in the school. Please pray with me for the students and staffs that we will learn and grow together again. The only one condition for this week is the students they need to be open to the Lord, which I know that I cannot do it, but only the Lord can. Please pray for strength and wisdom for us,staffs to be sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit, and allow Him to speak and work through us. Thanks for all your prayers and support. May God bless you and be with you.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

China Trip

This trip for my dts students and my staffs to be in China was really special time. We were able to visit our friends and visit some churches that was great encouragement. The purpose to visit we all hope to go and serve and be the blessing to the family of believers but instead I believe all of us were so blessed much more than we can imagine. We went to hang out with some universities students and be friends with them, even though we were not allow to tell them about our God, but some how we hope and pray that we would be able to show them them the love of Christ to them. And God really prove Himself real to us, some of us become good friends with many Chinese students and them were the one who asked us if we were the followers of Jesus. Much more than that, the Lord really prove Himself true to our team, both small and big things. One of the story that really impact my life was a story of one of my American student who forgot his passport, air ticket back to Thailand and his camera. Many of our Chinese friends told us that it was impossible to get his stuffs back from Chinese taxi. Some of our friends suggested that we need to travel to another city to try to get his passport then need to try to re-issue the ticket but the camera was impossible to get it. That morning our whole team came together and had devotion time just like everyday, but we prayed and petition to the Lord. Because we know that it is impossible for us but we knew all things are possible to our Father. Just about the time we finished our prayer time, the hotel guard came to me and told me to speak with some one on the phone, (the security guard could not speak English) They told me to send someone who lost camera to the police station, at first I thought it was for another girl in the team who lost the camera and we reported it to the hotel. But we send the boy who lost his things and then miracle happened, the police told us that he need to see the boy in the passport. Our student went to the police station and found everything he lost waiting for him there. All of us who prayed ealier cried with joy and gave thanks to our Father.
The story was so encouraging and it really raised our faith in God and know that he was with us. Even our Chinese friends they also saw something difference in us, some of them asked very important questions like "How could you have so much joy, don't you have any problems?" So some of us were able to answer something like "Because we have the Helper so when we face problems we ask Him to help us." Please continue to pray for our Chinese friends, even though we are back to Thailand now but we have some friends there will follow them up. Please continue to pray for my students and my staffs as we have 4 more lecture weeks to go and them 7 weeks outreaches in Thailand. We as staffs really pray that the Lord will work a lot in us and our students, and we believe that God will change their lives so that they can stand up and follow the purpose God created them to be.